another scene from Gon fox

The following sentence is the one in the second half of Gon fox. "One day, on a beautiful autumn evening, Gon went out for stroll. Gon walked toward Nakayama Castle. As Gon walked up the path leading to the castle he heard voices coming from the opposite direction. ...Upon arriving at Kichibei’s house, the two of them walked straight inside. ...Then, Hyojyu and Kasuke set out to leave together. Gon, wanting to hear the rest of Hyojyu and Kasuke's conversation, followed them. Step by step Gon followed in his shadow. When they came near the castle again..." It is estimated that the roads they used to make a round-trip are east-west direction roads connecting Yanabe and Yanabeshinden. Nakayama is in the middle of the road connecting the two villages. Even modern people need only 30 to 40 minutes to walk one way is enough distance. (2018.6.17 Wen Lee) - comment

  Map of time of the story

Present map

Those in which two maps overlap

Words in the figure

兵十と加助の家 (Hyojyu to Kasuke no Ie): Hyojyu's house and Kasuke's house in Yanabe
吉兵衛の家 (Kichibei no Ie): Kichibei's house in Yanabeshinden
権現山 (Gongen Yama): Mt. Gongen
中山 (Naka Yama): Mt. Naka
矢勝川 (Yakachi Gawa): Yakachi River
墓地 (Bochi): Graveyard
六地蔵 (Roku JIzo): Six Jizo
(Jizo is the most popular Buddha in Japan, we can see on the roadside as well as temple)

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